MERCOM Außenhandelgesellschaft mbH
Leopoldsweg 4 a
61348 Bad Homburg
T: +49 6172 76198 40
F: +49 6172 76198 70
Leopoldsweg 4 a
61348 Bad Homburg
T: +49 6172 76198 40
F: +49 6172 76198 70
With a trading volume of several hundred million euro, MERCOM belongs to the well established raw material trading companies in Germany.
At a very early stage, MERCOM identified the economic and the ecological relevance of recycling processes in almost all economic sectors and reacted accordingly.
moreWe supply the German steel industry, foundry and the automotive industry with raw materials from all over the world.
moreMercom has close cooperations with some of their long term business partners like the London based group the London-based Derek Raphael & Co. Ltd.,
aluminum manufacturers Whitehead Alloys Ltd., SMR Polska sp. z o.o. in Great Britain or Poland
and the French raw materials group ERAMET for the procurement of raw materials.