Our operations as agency for producers and our cooperation with reputable raw materials trading companies form the basis of MERCOM’s business providing high-quality services in trading and sales.

MERCOM was founded in 1979. Its primary business was the physical delivery and trading with commodities of all kinds that accrued from countertrades in compensation transactions with trade companies from the COMECON states. At first, MERCOM imported mainly tools, steel sections axles, dumpster wheels, steel skips, steel tubes and continuous casting from East European countries.

Since 1988, MERCOM also established a business based on trading metallic raw materials for the steel industry, foundry and chemical industry as well as for the automotive, electronical and dental industry (for more information about the goods traded by MERCOM, go to RAW MATERIALS).

After the opening of the East European markets in the early Nineties, MERCOM acquired shareholdings in several countries to stimulate product business.

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